
About Farsight & ProVide Server

ProVide is a secure, high-performance versatile server software that embraces simplicity, security, and efficiency, saving both time and money. Tried and true over the past 10 years, the software is constantly evolving for cutting-edge security, performance and features.

Why develop an advanced FTP-Server?

ProVide was originally called zFTPserver and was developed as a direct result of that Nicklas Bergfeldt, before forming Västgöta-Data AB. later renamed to Farsight together with Adam Rehbinder and Andreas Hansson, did not find any capable FTP server software.

ProVide has since then evolved into a leading competitor offering advanced capabilities, such as simultaneous SFTP and TFTP, and support for all the latest standards such as IPv6. At the same time we strive to keep configuration simple (for mortals) and to make it user-friendly for a broad line of users.

Furthermore, we argue that an FTP server is a background service that should consume only minute system resources, be threaded and be extremely versatile to keep up with ever-changing user and administrator demands.

The dev team – Farsight Tech Nordic

ProVide is solely developed, maintained and owned by Farsight Tech Nordic AB (org. nr. 556711-3302), a Swedish software development company based in the small town Skövde. Targeting software development projects, ERP and database integration as well as custom development projects we employ expert developers in an agile solution oriented environment.

Our capabilities range from software development, architecture and testing to business process analysis. ProVide is built in Delphi, but our programming capabilities range from Assembler, ADA and C-dialects to .NET, PHP and JAVA.

What is Provide?

ProVide is the flagship product of Farsight Tech Nordic AB (formerly Västgöta-Data AB), a swedish software development company located in Skövde, Sweden. Since we started back in 2005; apart from developing ProVide server, Farsight Tech Nordic AB is heavily involved in designing, building and maintaining backend systems with a strong emphazis on security and reliability. Our focus is business critical systems such as the integration of web and business infomation system, building and integrating databases and datawarehouse applications as well as app development for sensor data aquisition and monitoring. We furthermore build a lot of systems ground up; including AI supported analysis systems, AR systems, and systems supporting integration and management of distributed databases. We are also apt at developing system using new technologies where we co-develop patents or implement brand new ideas.

System developed to care for your security

We develop sturdy mission-critical information or integration systems that really work far beyond what is expected. During the journey, we are also picking up speed on excellent GUIs. Often you see systems that look great but aren’t. At Farsight Tech Nordic AB we make great systems that actually are great and that will stand the test of time. As such many of our customers and partners have been with us for many years. Some of our esteemed ProVide (zFTPServer) customers have actually been with us ever since we launched the first commercial version of zFTPserver!

Key Stats

average monthly users
> 90
> 50
> 30
certified SFTP Server
No 1


History of ProVide server

ProVide started out as zFTPserver initially developed by one of the founding partners. After winning a national programming competition with zFTPServer the software gained acclaim worldwide; and was adopted and commercialized as one of the core business areas of the company, and its customer base grew continually into thousands. Evolving zFTPServer into a fully fledged all-in-one MFT solution that has achieved top notch security while maintaing performance and portability, has taken thousands of hours and lots and lots of customer input and suggestions.

In 2018 we decided to change the name from zFTPServer into something more fitting that reflected what ProVide has indeed become: A market leading server software for providing secure user and systems communication. As such, ProVide includes both a easy-to-use web interface as well as FTP/FTPS, SFTP and TFTP with the highest security standards possible. We also have included extremely powerful scripting, virtual users and event engines for integration and for making ProVide the heart of communication in both small businesses and large enterprises. Farsight Tech Nordic AB keeps inventing and evolving ProVide both to cater for changes in surrounding software but also to include features requested from customers. Almost 15 years later we look forward to keep inventing and evolving what has now become one of, if not the best, most secure, and generally kick ass, MFT and communications software ever created.

For more information, please contact us directly

2021: Västgöta-Data becomes Farsight

We are turning 15 and takes a big step in our journey towards a global actor but still local by heart.

2018: ZFTP becomes Provide Server

The developers of zFTPServer, decided to change the name of zFTPServer in favour of ProVide.

2014: Awarded "The good example"

Awarded "The Good example" by Näringslivsgalan Skövde. An award that recognises companies that hires persons outside the labour force.

2011: Awarded by Gothia Science Park

Next step in our journey with a new graphic profile and a step into gaming platforms.

2008: Awarded by Gothia Science Park

We are awarded by Gothia Science Park for our entrepreneurship and growth.

2005: The start of Västgöta-Data

In September 2006 was Västgöta-Data finally a official company founded by Adam, Andreas and Nicklas.

2000: ZFTP came to life

After a couple of years of software development the first version of the FTP server ZFTP saw daylight

1998: This is when it all started

1998 a team of "nerds" got together at the University of Skövde with an aim to shape the future of digitalisation and software programming.


History of ProVide server

ProVide started out as zFTPserver initially developed by one of the founding partners. After winning a national programming competition with zFTPServer the software gained acclaim worldwide; and was adopted and commercialized as one of the core business areas of the company, and its customer base grew continually into thousands. Evolving zFTPServer into a fully fledged all-in-one MFT solution that has achieved top notch security while maintaing performance and portability, has taken thousands of hours and lots and lots of customer input and suggestions.

In 2018 we decided to change the name from zFTPServer into something more fitting that reflected what ProVide has indeed become: A market leading server software for providing secure user and systems communication. As such, ProVide includes both a easy-to-use web interface as well as FTP/FTPS, SFTP and TFTP with the highest security standards possible. We also have included extremely powerful scripting, virtual users and event engines for integration and for making ProVide the heart of communication in both small businesses and large enterprises. Farsight Tech Nordic AB keeps inventing and evolving ProVide both to cater for changes in surrounding software but also to include features requested from customers. Almost 15 years later we look forward to keep inventing and evolving what has now become one of, if not the best, most secure, and generally kick ass, MFT and communications software ever created.

For more information, please contact us directly

ProVide enables teams and systems to work together!

ProVide combines a user-friendly web interface for collaboration and working with files, including powerful search and previews. ProVide also include powerful high security SFTP, FTPS, as well as FTP and TFTP services. ProVide also includes internal/external reactive and pro-active scripting, user management and Windows AD-integration along with API:s and customizable event chain management. this means ProVide is a one-stop-shop for both user collaboration, remote work and as a means for integrating and tying together entire business system environments.

Empowering end users with collaboration features to enable instant, effortless and secure means to share, receive, collaborate and even edit ANY file directly at the source cuts administration costs, lead times and means users do not revert to non-sanctioned solutions to get things done. Sounds amazing? It is! Try 30 days for free! System administrators, software engineers and integration professionals that require secure and automated communication can enjoy powerful SFTP, FTPS, and TFTP, all capable of running simultaneously, along with extensive security, scripting, certificate, ciphers and private/public key support. ProVide for a lot of customers act as the backbone in managing automated file transfers and secure information exchange.

For more information contact us., or follow our facebook or on our youtube channel.

Let us know!

Have you got information about a bug, a brilliant idea for a new feature or other valuable feedback about ProVide? Please contact us.

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