2019-09 : Chlorine – Added support for specifying a display name for shares, receives and collaboration areas

< 1 min read

Improved collaboration support and support for units including MFP-units that lack Javascript browser support.

  • Internal optimizations and memory allocation improvements
  • Added support for Apple iOS home screen icon
  • Updated HTTP headers to properly follow RFC 5987
  • Made WebAdmin more responsive in regards to user input
  • Improved WebDAV subsystem for increased performance and stability
  • Added internal support for UNC resources with separate access credentials
  • Minor UI improvements to Web Admin interface
  • General optimizations, stability and internal improvements to the built-in HTTP(S) client
  • Added a-links for files and folders in the built-in HTTP(S) client to allow for browsers without Javascript support to download files
  • Fixed a few memory leaks related to internal management routines and (S)FTP(S) connections
  • Added disk write caching
  • Optimized logon routine for better performance when using Active Directory integration
  • Fixed problem with limitations for links not being properly read in non ISO countries

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