2019-12 : Chlorine – PDF file preview and content searching

< 1 min read

Free text search in PDF-files with preview

  • Improved search algorithm for the built-in HTTP(S) client
  • Added ability to search for multiple words within filenames and PDF files
  • Added ability to require passwords for share, receive and collaboration links
  • Improved support for many different formats of public keys for SFTP connections
  • Improved internal stability of system service and Active Directory integration
  • Added ability to search within PDF-files through the built-in HTTP(S) client
  • Added small preview on hover of PDF-files in the built-in HTTP(S) client
  • Added button to easily generate readable passwords for links
  • Improved search algorithm with respect to speed and resource allocation
  • Added ability to enable write access to share links
  • Added fingerprint information to all listed certificates in Web Admin interface

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