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Events and Messages: Reactive

3 min read

Have ProVide notify users or initiate actions when events occur using powerful scripting facilities! This extension allows ProVide to enforce user scriptable rules and policies such as virus checks on uploaded files, automatically transform between file formats, and to send notifications about special events.

Of course these events can be overridden on a per user/group level with system wide defaults.

To read and learn more about Events and Messages click here.

Also check out our user user guide for more info.

The following events are included: #

  • BeforeConnect -Before a user connect
    • OnConnect -When a user connects
    • OnQuit -When a user sends QUIT
    • OnDisconnect -When a user disconnects
  • BeforeLoggedln -Before a user is authenticated
    • OnLoggedIn -When a user successfully logs in
  • BeforeChangeDirectory -Before a user change directory
    • OnChangeDirectory -When a user change directory
  • BeforeCreateDirectory – before a directory is created
    • OnCreateDirectory -When a directory is created
  • BeforeRemoveDirectory -Before a directory is removed
    • OnRemoveDirectory -When a directory is removed
  • BeforeListDirectory -Before a file listing
    • OnListDirectoryStart -When a file listing starts
    • OnListDirectoryEnd -When a file listing ends
  • BeforeDownload -Before a download starts
    • OnDownloadStart -When a file download starts
    • OnDownloadEnd -When a file download ends
  • BeforeUpload -Before a upload start
    • OnUploadStart -When a file upload starts
    • OnUploadEnd -When a file upload ends
  • BeforeRemoveFile -Before a file is removed
    • OnRemoveFile -When a file is removed
  • BeforeRename -Before a file or folder is renamed
    • OnRename -When a file or directory is renamed
  • BeforeCopy -Before a file or folder is copied
    • OnCopy -When a file or folder is copied
The following tokens are included:  #
  • Date / Time:
    • %YYYY% -Current year
    • %MM% -Current month, 2 numbers (01-12)
    • %M% -Current month (1-12)
    • %DD% -Current day, 2 numbers (01-31)
    • %D% -Current day (1-31)
    • %hh% -Current hour, 2 numbers (00-23)
    • %h% -Current hour (0-23)
    • %mm% -Current minute, 2 numbers (00-59)
    • %m% -Current minute (0-59)
    • %ss% -Current second, 2 numbers (00-59)
    • %s% -Current second (0-59)
    • %TOTAL_DOWNLOADED% -Total amount of data downloaded from the server
    • %TOTAL_UPLOADED% -Total amount of data uploaded to the server
    • %TOP_n_DOWNLOADERS% -Shows a list of the n top downloaders (n i explicitly defined, eg. %TOP_15_DOWNLOADERS% returns 15 largest downloaders)
    • %TOP_n_UPLOADERS% -Shows a list of the n top uploaders (n i explicitly defined, eg. %TOP_7_UPLOADERS% returns 7 largest uploaders)
    • %TOP_DOWNLOADER_n_USERNAME% -Shows the username of the n:th top downloader (n i explicitly defined, eg. %TOP_DOWNLOADER_8_USERNAME% returns the 8:th top downloader)
    • %TOP_DOWNLOADER_n_DOWNLOADED% -Shows the amount of data downloaded by the n:th top downloader (n i explicitly defined, eg. %TOP_DOWNLOADER_8_DOWNLOADED%)
    • %TOP_UPLOADER_n_USERNAME% -Shows the username of the n:th top uploader (n i explicitly defined, eg. %TOP_UPLOADER_14_USERNAME% returns the 14:th top uploader)
    • %TOP_UPLOADER_n_UPLOADED% -Shows the amount of data uploaded by the n:th top uploader (n i explicitly defined, eg. %TOP_UPLOADER_14_UPLOADED%)
    • %CONNECTIONS% -Shows the current number of connections to the server
    • %USERS_LOGGED_ON% -Shows the current number of users logged on to the server
    • %SW_NAME% -Current server program name
    • %SW_VERSION% -Current server program version
    • %SW_BUILD% -Current server program build
    • %IP% -IP of the current user
    • %CONNECTION_TYPE% -What protocol incoming connections use, e.g. FTP
    • %USERNAME% -Username of the current connected user
    • %GROUPS% -Single-quoted, space separated list of groups for current user
    • %FTP_DIRECTORY% -FTP directory of current user
    • %LOCAL_DIRECTORIES% -Single-quoted, space separated list of local directories of current FTP directory
    • %FTP_FILENAME% -Last file accessed by user (FTP path)
    • %LOCAL_FILENAME% -Last file accessed by user (local path)
    • %TRANSFERRED% -Bytes transferred by user during last command
    • %FILESIZE% -Size of last file accessed by user
    • %LINK_TYPE% – Link type for current connection (”, ‘ltShare’, ‘ltReceive’, ‘ltCollaborate’)
    • %AD_DISPLAYNAME% -Display name from Active Directory for current user
    • %AD_HOMEDIR% -Homedirectory from Active Directory for current user
    • %AD_COMMENT% -Comment from Active Directory for current user
    • %AD_SCRIPT% -Logon script from Active Directory for current user 
    • %AD_PHONE% -Primary phone number from Active Directory for current user 
    • %AD_MAIL% -Primary email from Active Directory for current user 
    • %EXPIRE_TYPE% -Expiration type for current user (”, ‘etDate’, ‘etDownloads’, ‘etUploads’, ‘etLogins’, ‘etDays’, ‘etWeeks’, ‘etMonths’)
    • %EXPIRE_VALUE% -Expiration value for current user (”, <ISO date>, <value>)
    • %EVENTNAME% -Name of the triggered event
    • %FORM% – Ampersand (“&”) separated percent (“URL”) encoded representation of form specified during upload (any ID of form is appended in token as %FORMID%)
    • %EXECUTE(cmd)% -Executes an external command and returns the result

To access the Events and Messages settings you need to login on the web based Admin interface with an account that has Admin privileges then in the top menu you click on Events and Messages.

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