Has it been thoroughly tested?

< 1 min read

Alpha Testing:

  • Structured Test Scenario: Each new version of ProVide undergoes rigorous alpha testing using a highly structured test scenario.
  • Test Cases: This involves several hundred test cases to ensure comprehensive coverage of all functionalities and features.

Unstable Branch Testing:

  • Initial Release: Once all test cases pass in the alpha stage, the version is released into an “unstable” branch.
  • User Community Testing: This version is then sent out for testing within our user community.

Feedback and Iterations:

  • Iteration Process: Based on the feedback from the user community, several iterations are conducted to address any issues or improvements.
  • Typical Duration: This iterative process usually takes about a month.

Public Release:

  • Final Release: After thorough testing and iterations, the new version is made available for public release.

This structured approach ensures that each version of ProVide is robust, reliable, and meets the high standards expected by our user community.

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