
11 min read

These scripts utilizes the administration protocol to manage the server from custom applications. This technique may be used to integrate ProVide with custom systems, such as web applications or business systems.

If you wish to see how you can start cmd, powershell etc. scripts from ProVide you can check out these links:
Email example
CMD examples

Of course, if your client supports the proper authentication exchange ProVide is able to encrypt the API connection using a regular “AUTH TLS” command (used frequently in for instance FTPS connections).

The easiest way to explore the scripting API is to use a simple telnet application (included with Windows) and connect to the admin port (default 3145):

telnet localhost 3145
220 .
user admin
331 User name received, need password.
pass abc
230 User logged in, proceed.
214-The following commands are recognized:
214 For more detailed information, use HELP <COMMAND>.

In newer versions of Windows, telnet is not included by default, and must be installed.

This port should only be accessible from networks/ip addresses that needs access.
If this access is not used, it should be closed.
This is done by shutting down the server, edit settings.ini and removing the port number from [Administration bindings], saving the file and starting the server again

Control ProVide with PHP #

Connect to server, create accounts, manage resources:

* Class for ftp-user handling
* @author shredder
* @version 1.0
class ftp {
private $fp;
private $commandlog;
* Opens a socket connection to a server, params are read
* from database
* @param string $host FTP server address
* @param int $port FTP server port
* @param string $user Adminname
* @param string $pass Adminpassword
public function connect($host, $port, $user, $pass) {
// Open socket connection
$this->fp = fsockopen($host,$port);
// Retrieve welcome message (“200.”)
$this->commandlog .= “<tr><td>”.date(“i:s”).”</td><td>”.fread($this->fp, 1000).”</td></tr>”;
// Send admin username
fwrite($this->fp,”user $user\n”);
$this->commandlog .= “<tr><td>”.date(“i:s”).”</td><td>”.fread($this->fp, 1000).”</td></tr>”;
// Send admin password
fwrite($this->fp,”pass $pass\n”);
$this->commandlog .= “<tr><td>”.date(“i:s”).”</td><td>”.fread($this->fp, 1000).”</td></tr>”;
* Creates a user with a specific group membership and/or
* a specific FTP-directory with one resource
* @param string $username
* @param string $password
* @param string $realname
* @param string $ftppath
* @param string $path
* @param string $group
* @return bool FALSE if user already exists
public function createUser($username, $password, $realname, $ftppath, $path, $group) {
// Adds a specific user
fwrite($this->fp,”adduser \”$username\” \”$password\” \”$realname\” \”$ftppath\” \”$path\” \”$group\”\n”);
$message = fread($this->fp, 1000);
$this->commandlog .= “<tr><td>”.date(“i:s”).”</td><td>$message</td></tr>”;
if ($this->isError($message)) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
* Adds a ressource to a user or a group
* @param string $username
* @param string $ftppath
* @param string $path
* @param string $rights
* @return bool
public function addResource($username, $ftppath, $path, $rights) { fwrite($this->fp,”addresource \”$username\” \”$ftppath\” \”$path\” \”$rights\”\n”);
$message = fread($this->fp, 1000);
$this->commandlog .= “<tr><td>”.date(“i:s”).”</td><td>$message</td></tr>”;
if ($this->isError($message)) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
* Sets a ressource of a user or a group
* @param string $username
* @param string $ftppath
* @param string $path
* @param string $rights
* @return bool
public function setResource($username, $ftppath, $path, $rights) { fwrite($this->fp,”setresource \”$username\” \”$ftppath\” \”$path\” \”$rights\”\n”);
$message = fread($this->fp, 1000);
$this->commandlog .= “<tr><td>”.date(“i:s”).”</td><td>$message</td></tr>”;
if ($this->isError($message)) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
* Changes the password of a specific user
* @param string $username
* @param string $password
* @return bool
public function changePassword($username, $password) { fwrite($this->fp, “passwd \”$username\” \”$password\”\n”); $message = fread($this->fp, 1000);
$this->commandlog .= “<tr><td>”.date(“i:s”).”</td><td>$message</td></tr>”;
if ($this->isError($message)) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
* Checks if the command was succesful
* @param string $message
* @return bool
private function isError($message) {
if (substr_count($message, “500”)) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
* Returns command log
* @return string
public function getCommandlog() {
$this->commandlog = “<table border=1>”.$this->commandlog.”</table>”;
return $this->commandlog;

Script submitted by MasonSolutions and ReggaeGandalf

Extract information from ProVide with PHP #

Extract statistics information:

//Shows user-statistics for ProVide
//Created by
$provideaccountsdir=’c:/Program Files/ProVide/accounts/’; //directory of ProVide accounts directory
function readvalue($astr,$avalue){
if (strpos($astr,$avalue)===false)
$result=substr($astr,strpos($astr,$avalue)+strlen($avalue)); $result=substr($result,0,strpos($result,chr(13).chr(10)));
return $result;
function mb($avalue){
if ($avalue==”)
return number_format(round($avalue/(1024*1024),2),2);
//—————Main code—————
echo ‘<html><head><meta http-equiv=”content-type” content=”text/html; charset=windows-1250″>’;
echo ‘<style>.left{text-align:left;} body,table{font: 11px verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;} th,td{text-align:right; padding-right:1em;}</style></head><body><table>’;
echo ‘<tr><th class=”left”>FTP Username</th><th>Logins</th><th class=”left”>Last login</th><th class=”left”>Last IP</th>’ .'<th>Downl. files</th><th>Upl. files</th><th>Download [MB]</th><th>Upload [MB]</th></tr>’;
foreach (glob($provideaccountsdir.”*.uac”) as $filename) { $s=file_get_contents($filename); $username=readvalue($s,”Username=”);
$logins=readvalue($s,”{Logins: “);
if ($logins!=”){
$lastlogin=readvalue($s,”{Last Login: “); $lastknownip=readvalue($s,”{Last Known IP: “); $filesuploaded=readvalue($s,”{Files Uploaded: “); $bytesuploaded=readvalue($s,”{Bytes Uploaded: “); $filesdownloaded=readvalue($s,”{Files Downloaded: “); $bytesdownloaded=readvalue($s,”{Bytes Downloaded: “); $sumdown+=$bytesdownloaded; $sumup+=$bytesuploaded; echo “<tr><td class=’left’>$username</td><td>$logins</td><td class=’left’>$lastlogin</td><td class=’left’>$lastknownip</td>” .”<td>$filesdownloaded</td><td>$filesuploaded</td><td>”.mb($bytesdownloaded).”</td><td>”.mb($bytesuploaded).”</td></tr>”;
echo “<tr><th colspan=’6′>Total:</th><th>”.mb($sumdown).”</th><th>”.mb($sumup).”</th></tr>”;
echo ‘</table></body></html>’;

Script submitted by Idvis

Control ProVide with PERL #

Connect to server, create accounts, manage resources:

use Strict;
use Net::Telnet;
use CGI;
$CGI::POST_MAX=1024 * 5; # max 5K posts $CGI::DISABLE_UPLOADS = 1; # no uploads
use File::Path::Stderr;
my $query = new CGI;
my $t = new Net::Telnet ();
my $port = 3145;
my $admin_uname = “Admin”;
my ($admin_passwd, $uname, $passwd, $real_name, $new_domain, $vhpath);
$admin_passwd = $query->param(‘Admin_pass’);
$uname = $query->param(‘new_user’);
$passwd = $query->param(‘new_password’);
$real_name = $query->param(‘real_name’);
$domain_name = $query->param(‘domain’);
$vhpath = “c\:\\sites\\vh\\$domain_name\.vh”; mkpath(“c\:\\sites\\$domain_name\\logs”); mkpath(“c\:\\sites\\$domain_name\\httpdocs”); mkpath(“c\:\\sites\\$domain_name\\cgi-bin”);
my @lines;
$lines[0] = ‘<VirtualHost *:80>’;
$lines[1] = ‘ ServerAdmin’;
$lines[2] = ‘ DocumentRoot C:/sites/’.$domain_name.’/httpdocs/’; $lines[3] = ‘ ServerName ‘.$domain_name;
$lines[4] = ‘ ServerAlias www.’.$domain_name;
$lines[5] = ‘ ErrorLog C:/sites/’.$domain_name.’/logs/error_log’; $lines[6] = ‘ CustomLog C:/sites/’.$domain_name.’/logs/access_log common’;
$lines[7] = ‘ ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ C:/sites/’.$domain_name.’/cgi-bin/’; $lines[8] = ‘<Directory “C:/sites/’.$domain_name.’/httpdocs/”>’; $lines[9] = ‘ Options Includes’;
$lines[10] = ‘ AllowOverride None’;
$lines[11] = ‘ Order allow,deny’;
$lines[12] = ‘ Allow from all’;
$lines[13] = ‘</Directory>’;
$lines[14] = ‘</VirtualHost>’;
open FH, “>$vhpath”;
my $listitem;
foreach $listitem ( @lines ) {
print FH $listitem, “\n”;
print “Content-type:text/html\n\n”;
$t->open(port => $port);
print “port open\n”;
# Next line is not needed from some reason…..
# $t->waitfor(‘/200\s\./’);
print ‘Got 220 (Got in)<br>’;
# sending admin’s user name
$t->print(‘user ‘, $admin_uname);
print “gave username<br>”;
# checking for the correct response (331).
$t->waitfor(‘/331 .*/’) or die “dowant pass\n”;
print “Got 331 User name received, need password.<br>”;
# sending admin’s password
$t->print(‘pass ‘, $admin_passwd);
print “gave password.<br>”;
#checking for the correct response (230).
$t->waitfor(‘/230 .*/’) or die “pass is not correct\n”;
print “got 230 User logged in, proceed.<br>”;
#Adding the new user
print “Adding new user $uname”;
$t->print(‘ADDUSER “‘, $uname, ‘” “‘, $passwd, ‘” “‘, $real_name, ‘”‘); $t->waitfor(‘/200 .*/’) or die “user has not been creates\n”;
print “Got 200 User created successfully.<br>”;
#connecting resources to the user.
print “connecting resources”;
$t->print(‘SETRESOURCE “‘, $uname, ‘” “cgi-bin” “c\:\\sites\\’, $domain_name, ‘\cgi-bin” “RF,WF,DF,AF,LD,MD,DD,RR”‘);
$t->waitfor(‘/200 .*/’) or die “user did not update\n”;
print “Got 200 User(s) updated successfully.<br>”;
$t->print(‘SETRESOURCE “‘, $uname, ‘” “httpdocs” “c\:\\sites\\’, $domain_name, ‘\httpdocs” “RF,WF,DF,AF,LD,MD,DD,RR”‘);
$t->waitfor(‘/200 .*/’) or die “user did not update\n”;
print “Got 200 User(s) updated successfully.<br>”;
$t->print(‘SETRESOURCE “‘, $uname, ‘” “logs” “c\:\\sites\\’, $domain_name, ‘\logs” “RF,LD,RR”‘);
$t->waitfor(‘/200 .*/’) or die “user did not update\n”;
print “Got 200 User(s) updated successfully.<br>”;
# print “deleting user\n”;
# $t->print(‘DELUSER “‘, $uname, ‘”‘);
# $t->waitfor(‘/200 .*/’) or die “user has not been deleted\n”;
#print “User(s) removed successfully.\n”;
print “Quitting\n”;

Script submitted by Roi

Exporting and Importing Users to and from ProVide #

The following powershell scripts allows you to export and import ProVide users to and from a file.

You need a ProVide with the Build-Date of 2020-03-25 or later to use this functionality.

If you export/import the admin account, please make sure to remember the password.


The first thing to do is to copy and paste the scripts below into .ps1 files.


Use the EncryptAccountDetails.ps1-script to create the necessary username.txt and password.txt (These files must be at the same location as the export/import scripts.)

These files will contain your username and password but the information are encrypted and the import and Export script will use these.

Remember to run the Encrypt-script on the same computer on where you will be running the Export/Import-scripts as the encryption is tied to the current username and computer (per Windows standard).


Adjust the following parameters to match your setup.

$adminHost To the IP address of the server.

$adminPort To your admin port if you have changed it in settings.ini

To use the scripts you simply run

ExportProVideAccounts.ps1 -ExportToFile “filename.bck”

ImportProVideAccounts.ps1 -ImportFromFile “filename.bck”

You can also just run the script and you get to enter the name of a file you want to export/import to/from.

The export script will create a new file if there are none, and overwrite existing ones with the same name.

If you are going to schedule this using Task Scheduler you must remember to specify the “Start in” parameter so that the script finds the username/password files.


# Encrypts credentials for Export/Import ProVide account scripts
$getCredential = Get-Credential
$getCredential.password | ConvertFrom-SecureString | Set-Content “password.txt”
$getCredential.username | Set-Content “username.txt”


# A simple account export script for ProVide Server
param ([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $ExportToFile)
try {
$adminHost = “localhost”
$adminPort = 3145
$adminUser = Get-Content “username.txt”
$encryptedPass = Get-Content “password.txt” | ConvertTo-SecureString
$credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PsCredential($adminUser, $encryptedPass)
$adminPass = $credential.GetNetworkCredential().password
Write-Host “Connecting to $adminHost on port $adminPort … ” -NoNewLine
try {
$socket = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient($adminHost, $adminPort)
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green “OK”
} catch {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red “failed”
exit -1
$stream = $socket.GetStream()
$writer = New-Object System.IO.StreamWriter($stream)
$reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($stream) $writer.AutoFlush = $true
function ExpectResponseStart {
$response = $reader.ReadLine()
if (-not $response.StartsWith($args[0])) {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red “Expected response start “”$($args[0])”” but got “”$response””.”
exit -1
function ExtractItems {
Write-Host “Listing $($args[0])…”
$items = @() $response = $reader.ReadLine()
if ($response.Substring(3,1) -eq “-“) {
$items += $response.Substring(4)
while ($response.StartsWith(“200-“)) {
$response = $reader.ReadLine()
if ($response.Substring(3,1) -eq “-“) {
$items += $response.Substring(4)
Write-Host “Extracting $($args[0])…”
foreach ($item in $items) {
$data = @()
$writer.WriteLine(“$($args[2]) “”$item”””);
$response = $reader.ReadLine()
$data += $response.Substring(4)
while ($response.StartsWith(“200-“)) {
$response = $reader.ReadLine()
$data += $response.Substring(4)
$content = ConvertTo-Json -Compress $data
Add-Content -Path $ExportToFile -Encoding Unicode -Value $content }
ExpectResponseStart “220 ”
$writer.WriteLine(“USER $adminUser”)
ExpectResponseStart “331 ”
$writer.WriteLine(“PASS $adminPass”)
ExpectResponseStart “230 ”
$writer.WriteLine(“OPTS UTF8 ON”)
ExpectResponseStart “200 ”
rm $ExportToFile -ErrorAction Ignore
ExtractItems “users” “LISTUSERS” “GETUSER”
ExtractItems “groups” “LISTGROUPS” “GETGROUP”
Write-Host “Done.”
} finally {
if ($reader) { $reader.Close() }
if ($writer) { $writer.Close() }
if ($stream) { $stream.Close() }


# A simple account import script for ProVide Server
param ([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $ImportFromFile)
try {
$adminHost = “localhost”
$adminPort = 3145
$adminUser = Get-Content “username.txt”
$encryptedPass = Get-Content “password.txt” | ConvertTo-SecureString
$credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PsCredential($adminUser, $encryptedPass)
$adminPass = $credential.GetNetworkCredential().password Write-Host “Connecting to $adminHost on port $adminPort … ” -NoNewLine
try {
$socket = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient($adminHost, $adminPort)
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green “OK”
} catch {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red “failed”
exit -1
$stream = $socket.GetStream()
$writer = New-Object System.IO.StreamWriter($stream)
$reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($stream) $writer.AutoFlush = $true
function ExpectResponseStart {
$response = $reader.ReadLine()
if (-not $response.StartsWith($args[0])) {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red “Expected response start “”$($args[0])”” but got “”$response””.”
exit -1
function ImportItem {
$data = ConvertFrom-Json $args[0]
if ($data[0].StartsWith(“User”)) {
$username = $data[0].Substring(9)
$password = $data[1].Substring(9)
Write-Host “Importing user “”$username””…” $writer.WriteLine(“SETUSER “”$username”” “”$password”””)
} elseif ($data[0].StartsWith(“Group”)) {
$groupname = $data[0].Substring(10)
Write-Host “Importing group “”$groupname””…” $writer.WriteLine(“SETGROUP “”$groupname”””)
} foreach ($row in $data) {
if (-not $data[-1] -eq “.”) {
ExpectResponseStart “200 ”
ExpectResponseStart “220 ”
$writer.WriteLine(“USER $adminUser”)
ExpectResponseStart “331 ”
$writer.WriteLine(“PASS $adminPass”)
ExpectResponseStart “230 ”
$writer.WriteLine(“OPTS UTF8 ON”)
ExpectResponseStart “200 ”
foreach ($line in Get-Content $ImportFromFile) { I
mportItem $line
Write-Host “Done.”
} finally {
if ($reader) { $reader.Close() }
if ($writer) { $writer.Close() }
if ($stream) { $stream.Close() }

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