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Reactive events

4 min read

The Reactive features basically lets the server react to events after they happen by executing batch scripts or to send custom messages.

An example would be to automatically scan uploaded files for viruses. The ability to execute external batch scripts also makes it possible to launch custom programs, scripts or to perform specific actions based on actual events.

Examples #

Please observe that the examples provided here are just that; examples. You may want (or need) to change the scripts or setup to suit your needs.

Send SMS when a specific user logs in #

Event in ProVide:


Message in ProVide:

User logged in, proceed.%EXECUTE(“C:\Scripts\NotifyOnLoggedIn.cmd” %USERNAME%)%
Contents of file “C:\Scripts\NotifyOnLoggedIn.cmd”:

@echo off
rem Setup variables
set USER=
set PASS=
set TEXT=Login%%3A%1
set TO=555123456
set FROM=ProVideLogin

set PARAMS=acc=%USER%^^^&pass=%PASS%^^^&msg=%TEXT%^^^&to=%TO%^^^&from=%FROM%^^^&prio=3
rem Notify on certain users logging in
if /I “%1” == “Administrator” wget –delete-after http://smsgateway/send.php?%PARAMS% >NUL
if /I “%1” == “Backup” wget –delete-after http://smsgateway/send.php?%PARAMS% >NUL
if /I “%1” == “John” wget –delete-after http://smsgateway/send.php?%PARAMS% >NUL

Scan uploaded files for viruses with AVG #

This example illustrates how to use AVG to scan uploaded files for viruses. The script requires AVG to be installed.

Event in ProVide:


Message in ProVide:

Closing data connection.%EXECUTE(“C:\Scripts\Scan.cmd” “%LOCAL_FILENAME%”)%
Contents of file “C:\Scripts\Scan.cmd”:
@echo off

Create thumbnails of uploaded images #

Event in ProVide:


Message in ProVide:

Closing data connection.%EXECUTE(“C:\Scripts\CreateThumbnail.cmd” “%LOCAL_FILENAME%”)%
Contents of file “C:\Scripts\CreateThumbnail.cmd”:

@echo off
rem Extract file information and remove quotes
set FILE=%1
for /f “useback tokens=*” %%a in (‘%FILE%’) do set FILE=%%~a
set EXT=
if /I “%FILE:~-4%” == “.jpg” set EXT=.jpg
if /I “%FILE:~-4%” == “.gif” set EXT=.gif
if /I “%FILE:~-4%” == “.tif” set EXT=.tif
rem Only create thumbnails from selected formats
if (%EXT%) == () exit 0
rem We know all accepted formats have 3 character extensions
set THUMBFILE=%FILE:~0,-4%-thumbnail%EXT%
rem Use ImageMagick to create thumbnails
convert “%FILE%” -resize 100×100 -quality 90 “%THUMBFILE%” >NUL

Automatically backup a file before it is to be overwritten #

Event in ProVide:


Message in ProVide:

File status okay; about to open data connection.%EXECUTE(“C:\Scripts\Backup.cmd” “%LOCAL_FILENAME%”)%

Contents of file “C:\Scripts\Backup.cmd”:

@echo off
rem Extract file information and remove quotes
set FILE=%1
for /f “useback tokens=*” %%a in (‘%FILE%’) do set FILE=%%~a
rem Perform the backup
copy /v /y “%FILE%” “%FILE%.bak” >NUL

Send email on upload to a specific folder #

This example illustrates how to send a mail notification after a file has been uploaded to a specific folder. It also does a virus scan before sending the mail. It uses a separate script to generate the email data. This is done to get correct linefeeds in the email format. It also acts as a template for the email.

Event in ProVide:


Message in ProVide:

Closing data connection.%EXECUTE(“C:\Scripts\MailOnUploadEnd.cmd” “%LOCAL_FILENAME%” “%FTP_FILENAME%”)%

Contents of file “C:\Scripts\MailOnUploadEnd.cmd”:

@echo off
REM Filenames may need special character codes.
chcp 1252
REM Virus scan the file, only send mail if the file still exists after the scan.
IF EXIST “%1” (
REM Only send mail for a specific folder.
IF “%FOLDER_FILTER%”==”%FOLDER_UPLOAD%” ( C:\Scripts\MailTemplate.cmd %2 | C:\Scripts\msmtp\msmtp.exe )

Contents of file “C:\Scripts\MailTemplate.cmd”:

@echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set NL=^
REM Two empty lines required for newlines to work
echo SUBJECT:New file uploaded %~nx1!NL!
echo And here’s a link to it.!NL!!NL! EndLocal

Call a bash script through cygwin when user change directory #

Event in ProVide:


Message in ProVide:

%EXECUTE(“C:\cygwin64\bin\bash” “C:\Scripts\” “%FTP_DIRECTORY%” “%FTP_FILENAME%”)%

Contents of file “C:\Scripts\”:

echo -n “Change dir from ” >> /cygdrive/x/cwd.log
echo -n $1 >> /cygdrive/x/cwd.log
echo -n ” to ” >> /cygdrive/x/cwd.log
echo $2 >> /cygdrive/x/cwd.log

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