Avaliable languages

1 min read

Available in several languages – a partner platform for international collaboration #

Select your language; access data, work and collaborate with international partners.

Access, work and collaborate in the language of your preference

ProVide implements full support for UTF-8 on multiple platforms meaning it can manage folders and file names in any language. More than that; by selecting the “cog-wheel” on the right hand side in the ProVide web interface you can select your own language. Language selection works for both the regular user interface (user log in) and for collaboration links (partner log in) thereby supporting international multilingual collaboration.

The ProVide user interface currently supports:

  • Swedish
  • English
  • Chinese (Mandarin)
  • Traditional Chinese
  • Japanese
  • French
  • German
  • Spanish
  • Thai
  • Turkish

Should you or your organization require additional translations please contact us.

The administration interface and installation procedure is solely in english as is this web page. We do recommend as a general rule that all host server installations be done in english as a general recommendation. The reason for this is that; should you experience any problems with your windows server installation, your active directory, policies and security groups or your windows registry it is way easier to find information in english. This applies to all windows servers.

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