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ProVide Server is completely customizeable (like for instance change html tags, the logo and URL for HTTPS – also known as White labeling). You can change this as described below. Every aspect of the web interface is customizable, but it´s not recommended to alter the html/js/css files that are not part of the official as it could break future updates. Please observe that once the official support for altering the HTTPS layout has been implemented into GUI it might be necessary for you to migrate your changes into the new layout.

These files are made for the current version of ProVide, installing these on an older version of ProVide may cause issues. Also, please only keep the files you actually need in the customize-folder (those you change anything in) as these files are intrinsically intervened with ProVide Server future updates might interfere if changes to these files are made; it’s recommended to not use automatic updates if any .html or .js files are changed. Any files found in the “customize” folder will replace the files presented by ProVide Web GUI (hence, if you for instance only want to change the logo you should only store the new logo.png file in the customize folder structure).

As ProVide uses a CSRF (Cross-site request forgery) token to mitigate session riding you might need to merge the CSRF-code found in browse.html if you downloaded and are using an older version of

Download Customize Template #

You can download the customize template at After downloading, create a folder called “customize” under the “ProVide” folder and unzip “” there. The structure of the files/folder should be as follows:

  • ProVide\
    • customize\
      • modern\
        • htm\
          • browse.html
          • login.html
          • logout.html
          • receive.html
          • share_password.html
        • svg\
          • provide_logo.svg
        • css\
          • customize.css

Download Classic Layout #

If you are still working with the classic layout you can download it at It is only recommended to use this layout if you used ProVide before the new layout and want to stick with the old one. You will then, however, miss out on the features that the new modern ProVide has to offer.

Modification of Graphic Design #

Modification of the graphic design should be in customize.css to prevent problems with future upgrades. All changes you do to these files will be immediately reflected on the published HTTPS interface, and if you simply remove these files ProVide will automatically revert to the original. It is always a good idea to remove the custom files you have not modified as that will ensure you get the latest version automatically in the future.

Internal Variables #

There are also a number of internal variables in the Settings.ini-file listed below, that can be changed in order to brand the WebGUI to your liking:

[Low level server identifier]
[Low level server company]
“Your Company”
[Low level server vendor]
“Welcome to Your Company”
[HTTPS Site Title]
“Your Company Portal”

To make these changes in the settings.ini, stop the system service, make the changes, and then start the service again.

Custom File Icons #

ProVide has support for usage of custom file icons for the built in HTTPS GUI. To add custom icon, create/find a svg for the file type you want to add. Then put it in the folder
• ProVide\
o customize\
o modern\
o ext
The file needs to be named “file extension”.svg for it to work. By default, ProVide has already added icons for .docx|.doc|.pdf|.ppt|.pptx|.xlsx|.xls|.zip|.text and also directory|audio|video|default. These icons can be overridden by adding a new svg with correct filename.

To see an example of how you can change the logo of your ProVide website, check here!

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